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Risk analysis

Our strengths

  • Proprietary technology that allows building broadband infrastructure in densely populated urban areas of emerging economies.
  • No need to lay cables as we can provide fiber optics grade connections through the air.
  • Infrastructure costs only a fraction of traditional telecom operators, thus immensely lower CAPEX.
  • Low OPEX.
  • Fully operational within 6 months.
  • Proven and field-tested as K3 technology is already fully operational in 9 countries.
  • Team with over 10 years of experience with telecommunications in Africa.
  • Connections to multiple African officials with agreements on building broadband infrastructure.
  • Clear understanding of telecom software infrastructure needs and how blockchain can bring additional value.
  • Using the superior features of the SKALE native blockchain solutions, providing speed, security, stability, and cost efficiency.

Our weaknesses

  • Lack of users. Most countries have adapted to mobile technology and may not feel the need to change unless 3air is considerably cheaper and more reliable than mobile.
  • The team has no experience in providing financial services, such as micro-loans scheduled for the third stage, so we will need to expand our team and gain new skill sets.
  • Entering new countries where we do not yet have an established customer base.
  • Losing potential early adopters because we are not building on the most widely adopted blockchain Ethereum.
  • No internal blockchain marketing experience; that’s why we are hiring a professional marketing agency.

Our opportunities

  • Huge untapped potential in emerging economies with no proper broadband infrastructure.
  • Businesses need uninterrupted internet service.
  • Remote work relies on a good internet connection.
  • Countries are open to collaborations as broadband brings new and equal opportunities to the population.
  • Visible commitment from regulators and governments to increase broadband penetration in Africa (clear plans, strategies, and policies firmly established).
  • Low competition from inferior products.
  • Huge entry barriers for new competitors.
  • Strong relationships with the SKALE foundation.
  • The SKALE blockchain provides multiple advantages and benefits to other existing blockchain technologies.
  • Fast adoption of blockchain technology in target countries compared to the global average.
  • Schools: virtual learning has become more commonplace since COVID19 and is a segment that could benefit from stable broadband connectivity.

Our threats

  • Political instability in African countries.
  • Policy and regulatory bottlenecks.
  • Social and demographic chasms and illiteracy.
  • The potential of new technologies to disrupt the market in the future.
  • Blockchain technology is new and has not reached universal adoption.
  • Some people might distrust new blockchain projects because of the negative publicity from several scam projects in the past.
  • The SKALE blockchain is new, and some essential parts of the technology have not been implemented yet. Yet SKALE is strong within its timeline and will deploy all needed technologies within the next months.