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3air ecosystem

3air Ecosystem

The 3air blockchain platform will provide an easy-to-use, blockchain-based, ISP management system integrated with proven security, transparency, and low fees needed to operate a successful telecom.

The project is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Create a market by building broadband infrastructure in Africa through the K3 partnership.
  2. Build the blockchain ecosystem.
  3. Expand the platform with additional functionalities and onboard multiple ISPs.

At first, 3air as a platform will enable transparent, safe, and trustless interactions between ISP providers and their customers, along with service management, marketing, and community building.

For our development, we have chosen to build on the SKALE blockchain. SKALE is a containerized network system capable of running an unlimited number of secure, decentralized, high-performance blockchains native to Ethereum. We chose SKALE for reasons such as:

  • EVM compatibility,
  • Fast transactions on a network that does not get congested and slow,
  • Zero end-user gas fees.

There is much more to SKALE; you can find it in our SKALE blockchain extras section.

Future development will aim to provide additional platform functionalities that will facilitate TV and bandwidth services directly through blockchain. We also aim to enable easy and instant access to services, security and fraud prevention, roaming, bandwidth sharing, and bandwidth/subscriptions secondary markets, enabling better peak demand distribution and other advanced features.

The best platforms are only worth as much as they are used. Therefore, we have started by building our own user base. We will focus on underdeveloped markets in Africa and their untapped potential for change and adopting new technologies.

We have identified a strong partner with a unique solution in building broadband where others can’t. Our partnership will give us a competitive advantage and the ability to kickstart our platform with thousands of users upon launch. We project up to 1 million users to come onto the 3air platform through this partnership within the first 3 years.

We provide a detailed description of K3 technology and how it can achieve success where others have failed in K3 broadband solution.

Important notice - All agreements with K3 are already in place and will start immediately after our successful token launch.

After developing the platform and testing it with real users, we will open up to other ISP providers, aiming to create a truly global platform that will break local connectivity barriers and grow the platform exponentially.

However, we’ll not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s begin with a focus on the core functionalities.